46% ABV. / 700ml
Single Malt Scotch Whisky
A small batch single malt Scotch whisky, Cask Islay epitomises the character of Islay. Lively enough to satisfy peat-lovers yet inviting enough to tempt others to enjoy their first delicious dram of an Islay malt. When poured, the golden glow of the spirit is a promise of the warmth to come and the perfectly balanced journey through juicy barley, citrus notes, burnt toffee and rich peat smoke. Matured in bourbon casks.
Tasting Notes
Colour: Lemon gold.
Nose: Smoke, grilled lemon scallops and beach bonfire embers.
Palate: Butter tablet, roasted peanut and sweet, salty peat..
Finish: Light ash and pipe tobacco leave a lasting impression.
Sweet smoke, lemon and salted nuts.
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